
On The Making and Unmaking of Foods

I like to cook, and, if you get the time, you can like to cook too. There is joy in taking a bunch of raw ingredients and messing them about together in a way that just works

Cooking seems scary only, I think, because of its association with baking. With baking, there's an air of fate about the process. You can only do so much, mere mortal, as you bring all the ingredients together and offer them up to the Oven God. After you make your offering, it's in the hands of the Oven God to decide how your Baking will turn out.

But it is not so with cooking. Cooking is in your hands at every step of the process. Stuff in the pan browning too fast? Take it off the heat! Tastes too sweet? Add a bit of acid! You can continue creating dishes right up to, and indeed after, the moment they hit the table. Cooking is a process of making and remaking, and, inevitably, by definition, unmaking, that somehow reveals something about The Creative Process.

Anyway. I make food when I have the time, which is mostly lunchtimes, but occasionally dinner. And sometimes breakfast! These recipes are probably not mine, originally, but they are as I remember making them, rather than copied from a book, so in that sense, they're mine and they can become yours too, in their making and unmaking.

Recipes, a list thereof